Kutitji Chair (Shield), designed by Errol Evans and Trent Jansen, is a result of Errol’s passion for carving. Errol is a highly skilled wood (punu) artist, known for bringing to life large culturally sophisticated carved forms including spears, and shields. This project began as a sketch exchange between Errol and Trent, a process that began with a drawing by Errol, incorporating traditional weapons and shields as components of a chair. Through several iterations, Errol and Trent developed this idea to mimic Errol’s beautifully refined, large shield forms, generating a simple chair structure that draws on the idiosyncratic lines and surfaces of these artefacts. Kutitji Chair is an expression of Errol’s concerns about the impacts of climate change and the drying out of his home Country. He sees these shields as a defence against changing times. Supporting Partners of the Kutitji Chair are Art Bank, Australia Council for the Arts, Arts South Australia, Melbourne Design Week, UNSW Sydney, Maruku Arts and MAST. Major Partners are American Hardwood Export Council and Fremantle Arts Centre.